2022-2023 Membership Fees Anncouncement

2022-2023 Membership Fees Anncouncement

As we transition into a time of recovery, the Yukon Convention Bureau Board of Directors and Staff will continue to support our members and partners in the MICE industry in Yukon with a discounted fee of $75(+gst) for 2022-2023 memberships.   If you have any...
Winter FAM Tour – March 2022 Recap

Winter FAM Tour – March 2022 Recap

March 8-11, YCB hosted four guests from Ottawa & Toronto, ON for a busy and exciting 3-day FAM tour of Whitehorse and surrounding areas. This FAM tour helped familiarize key decision makers who are better equip to sell the Yukon as a destination to their groups...
Edmonton Sales Luncheon

Edmonton Sales Luncheon

After two years of not being in the Alberta market, on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, YCB hosted a sales luncheon in Edmonton for 4 clients. Thanks to direct service with Air North, Yukon’s Airline, Yukon is a desirable destination for groups looking to travel...