Hello YCB Members and friends,

Today is Mike Collins last day at YCB. Please change his contact to sales@ycb.ca.
After 3.5 years, we are sad to see Mike move on. As many of you know, he was a great asset to the YCB team and Yukon, and we wish him all the best with his future endeavours in Vancouver.
YCB has found a new face for our Sales Manager position, Gina Bethell. Many of you many already know Gina, from her role at TIA and with the TCMF and YTTF programs. We are very excited to have Gina join our team, to sell the Yukon for meetings, conferences, incentives and events. Gina will be starting with YCB as of May 1, 2015.
In the meantime, please forward all YCB inquiries to myself at alida@ycb.ca.