16th Annual Red Carpet Tour Recap

16th Annual Red Carpet Tour Recap

On November 14, YCB hosted its 16th Annual Red Carpet Tour featuring services and products our YCB Members provide to Events, Conferences, and Meetings across the Yukon. This year’s Red Carpet Tour saw a total of 9 participants from various government departments and...
16th Annual YCB Red Carpet Tour

16th Annual YCB Red Carpet Tour

It’s Red Carpet Tour time again!The 16th annual RCT is a Familiarization Tour for local meeting and conference planners. Its a full day of site inspections for local hotels, venues and operators, to keep local planners up to date on new product, updates and...
September 2019 FAM Tour – Recap

September 2019 FAM Tour – Recap

September 8-12 YCB hosted four guests from Ottawa(2), Montreal and Washington DC for a busy and exciting 3 and a half day FAM tour of the Yukon. We visited Whitehorse and suburbs, Dawson City and Carcross with our visitors. This FAM tour helped familiarize key...
GAAC FAM Tour visits Whitehorse

GAAC FAM Tour visits Whitehorse

July 15-17 – YCB Hosted two guests in anticipation of the Glass Art Association of Canada Conference, with help from local member, Luann Baker-Johnson of Lumel Studios. A busy two day visit to Whitehorse and surrounding area helped familiarize Benji, President...
TIAC Fam Tour visits Whitehorse

TIAC Fam Tour visits Whitehorse

July 3-6, YCB Hosted three guests in anticipation of the Thermal Insulation Association of Canada Conference, booked for Whitehorse in August of 2020. A fun-filled and productive 3 day visit from the President of TIAC, Andre and organizer of the convention, Robin,...
Welcome to our 2019-2020 Board Members

Welcome to our 2019-2020 Board Members

We are very excited to have new and previous members joining our Board for the 2019-2020 year. (Left to right) Alida Munro, (YCB Director), Jennifer Logtenberg (YCB Sales Manager), Michele Tubman (Director), Adam Gerle (President), Angela Drainville (Vice-President),...