Global Meetings Industry Day

Global Meetings Industry Day

On March 30th, YCB celebrated Global Meetings Industry Day 2023 with our partners in Yukon and across Canada by Lighting up Blue. In person events took place all across Canada with organizations like MPI (multiple chapters across Canada and International), ILEA, PCMA...
GoWest Live 2023

GoWest Live 2023

January 29-31, 2023, YCB and partners, Air North, Yukon’s Airline, Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre, and Northern Vision Development & Yukon Hotels, travelled to Edmonton, Alberta to participate in GoWest Live. With Edmonton as the home of this conference, YCB...
Ottawa Meet Week 2023

Ottawa Meet Week 2023

February 4-7, 2023, YCB and partners, Air North, Yukon’s Airline, Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre, Northern Vision Development & Yukon Hotels, and Holloway Lodgings, travelled to Ottawa, Ontario to participate in Ottawa Meet Week. As one of the busiest and most...
YCB 2022 Bravo & Golden Bravo Awards

YCB 2022 Bravo & Golden Bravo Awards

The 2022 Annual Bravo and Golden Bravo Awards were hosted in partnership at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre on Thursday, March 2, 2023. The 2022 Bravo Award was presented to the Wild Sheep Foundation for the Thinhorn Sheep Summit III held last May. The conference saw...